Thursday, July 3, 2008

Best otc acne treatment and free acne tips

When we think of acne, we think of oily, shiny skin. So it may come as a surprise when our dry winter skin paves the way for an acne breakout. Acne is not a condition limited to those with oily skin. People with dry skin can have acne too.
Acne can cause a lot of pain and frustration to anyone that suffers from it. The large majority of us went through that stage in our teenage years when we just wanted them gone, but many grown adults unfortunately suffer from them too. These people can be insanely frustrated because in some cases these people have suffered from acne for ten or more years and gone through countless costly treatments in an effort to get rid of them.
5. Apply AHA based products. These solutions are derived from fruits, milk or sugar cane. They have been found to be very effective in removing acne scars as well as preventing new acne from forming.
tags: acne pimple natural treatment, acne treatments if oral antibiotics doesn't work, rate my acne

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